Theme of the meeting in 1999 was "80 years at PTF - Theological study during a turbulent century". One of the most interesting moments of the meeting was a discussion with the professors of the PTF.
Prof. Milos Bic, representative of the previous generation of teachers of the PTF was present as well as Prof. Milan Balaban, Prof. Pavel Filipi - dean of the Faculty in 1999 -, Prof. Petr Pokorny, Dr. Jan Stefan and Dr. Martin Prudky. They created a lively forum.
Read more: 1999 - "80 years at PTF - Theological study during a turbulent century"
Prague, May 2013
Prague, June 2014
Dear friends,
We are happy to invite you to the annual conference of the Association of Friends
of PTF which will take place on November 14-16, 2014 in Prague. The theme of our meeting will be “Where is the exit? Europe’s guilt and ways to reconciliation”.
In the programmatic part of our meeting we focus on the question of patterns of behavior of our European civilization towards others. Is our current way of treating non-Western people creating unequal relations and injustice? Are we able to reset our way of acting? Is it possible to establish reconciliation with those we forced into a position of dependence and oppression?
Read more: 2014 - “Where is the exit? Europe’s guilt and ways to reconciliation”